
Code to help write scripts that import/crawl/parse data from the web into ebpub, as well as extract addresses from (English) text.

Scraper scripts will probably be built on either ebdata.retrieval or ebdata.blobs, depending on the type of content being scraped.


The blobs package is a Django app responsible for crawling, scraping, extracting, and geocoding news articles from the web.

It is best suited for scraping "unstructured" websites that don't have machine-readable feeds, eg. for scraping raw HTML and/or binary file formats such as PDF or Excel. (For sites that provide RSS or Atom feeds, and/or an API, the ebdata.retrieval package may be more suitable.) (For dealing with binary file formats, you'll also want to look into the ebdata.parsing package.)

Many examples can be found in the everyblock package.

The blobs app contains two models, Seed and Page. Seed is a news source, like the Chicago Tribune, and a Page is a particular html page that was crawled from a Seed.

TODO: This really needs more explanation.


The nlp package contains utilities for detecting locations in text. This package is used by ebdata.blobs, but if you want to use it directly, check out the docstrings for the functions in ebdata.parsing.addresses.


The parsing package contains helpers for reading different file types.

The dbf, excel, mdb, and unicodecsv modules are for reading stuctured data, and generally follow the python csv reader api. See the code for more details on how to use them.

The pdf module is for converting pdf to text, and requires Xpdf. http://www.foolabs.com/xpdf/download.html


The retrieval package contains a framework for writing scrapers for structured data. Some examples can be found in ebdata/ebdata/scrapers/. There are more (unmaintained) examples of how to use this framework in different situations in the everyblock package.

(For scraping data from unstructured sites, eg. sites that lack feeds or machine-consumable API, it may be better to build on the ebdata.blobs package.)

The most commonly used scraper base class is the NewsItemListDetailScraper. It handles scraping list/detail types of sites, and creating or updating NewsItem objects. "List" could be an RSS or Atom feed, or an HTML index, which links to "detail" pages; these can be any format, such as HTML, XML, or JSON. (In some cases, the feed provides all the necessary information, and there's no need to retrieve any detail pages.)

Generally, to run a scraper, you need to instantiate it, and then call its update() method. Sometimes the scraper will take arguments, but it varies on a case-by-case basis; see the scrapers in ebdata/ebdata/scrapers for examples. You can also run a scraper by calling its display_data() method. This will run the scraper, but won't actually save any of the scraped data. It's very useful for debugging, or when writing a scraper for the first time.

All of the methods and parameters you'll need to use are documented in docstrings of ebdata.retrieval.scrapers.list_detail.ListDetailScraper and in ebdata.retrieval.scrapers.newsitem_list_detail.NewsItemListDetailScraper. ListDetailScraper is a base class that handles scraping, but doesn't actually have any methods for saving data.

The retrieval package also contains updaterdaemon, which is a (deprecated) cron-like facility for running scrapers. It comes with a unix-style init script, and its configuration and examples are in ebdata/retrieval/updaterdaemon/config.py. More documentation at Running Scrapers.


A collection of ready-to-run scraper scripts, with JSON fixture files for loading the schemas needed by each scraper.

(If you want to write your own scrapers for other data sources, see Data Scraper Tutorial.)

These generally leverage the tools in ebdata.retrieval.

All of them can be run as command-line scripts. Use the -h option to see what options, if any, each script takes.

Flickr: ebdata.scrapers.general.flickr

Loads Flickr photos that are geotagged at a location within your configured metro extent.

You must set both settings.FLICKR_API_KEY and settings.FLICKR_API_SECRET.

You must also install a library that it depends on:

$ $VIRTUAL_ENV/bin/pip install flickrapi

(Note that if obdemo is installed, you should already have this library.)

The scraper script is PATH/TO/ebdata/scrapers/general/flickr/flickr_retrieval.py and the schema can be loaded by doing django-admin.py loaddata PATH/TO/ebdata/scrapers/general/flickr/photos_schema.json.

GeoRSS: ebdata.scrapers.general.georss

Loads any RSS or Atom feed. It tries to extract a point location and a location name from any feed according to the following strategy:

  • First look for a GeoRSS point.
  • If no point is found, look for a location name in standard GeoRSS or xCal elements; if found, geocode that.
  • If no location name is found, try to find addresses in the title and/or description, and geocode that.
  • If a point was found, but a location name was not, try to reverse-geocode the point.
  • If all of the above fail, skip this item.

The scraper script is PATH/TO/ebdata/scrapers/general/georss/retrieval.py and a generic "local news" schema can be loaded by doing django-admin.py loaddata PATH/TO/ebdata/scrapers/general/georss/local_news_schema.json.

Meetup: ebdata.scrapers.general.meetup

Retrieves upcoming Meetups from meetup.com. USA-only. This assumes you have loaded some US ZIP Codes, as it will attempt to load meetups for each zip code in turn.

You will need to get an API key, and set it as settings.MEETUP_API_KEY.

The scraper script is PATH/TO/ebdata/scrapers/general/meetup/meetup_retrieval.py and the schema can be loaded by doing django-admin.py loaddata PATH/TO/ebdata/scrapers/general/meetup/meetup_schema.json.

This scraper may take hours to run, since Meetup's API has a rate limit of 200 requests per hour (returning up to 200 meetups each), and a large city may have thousands of meetups every day, and we're trying to load all scheduled meetups for the next few months. The default behavior is to run until the API's rate limit is hit, then wait till the limit is lifted (typically 1 hour), and repeat until all pages for all zip codes have been loaded. If you'd rather do smaller batches, try the --help option to see what options you have.

Open311 / GeoReport: ebdata.scrapers.general.open311

A scraper for the Open311 / GeoReport API that is being adopted by a growing number of cities including many served by SeeClickFix <http://seeclickfix.com>. (Tip: You can get an open311 endpoint for any location served by seeclickfix, not just those listed on that page, by passing http://seeclickfix.com/<location-name>/open311/v2/ as the API URL.)

It has many command-line options for passing API keys and so forth; run it with the --help option.

The scraper script is PATH/TO/ebdata/scrapers/general/open311/georeportv2.py and a suitable schema can be loaded by doing django-admin.py loaddata PATH/TO/ebdata/scrapers/general/open311/open311_service_requests_schema.json.

SeeClickFix: ebdata.scrapers.general.seeclickfix

A scraper for issues reported to SeeClickFix. Note you can also use the Open311 / GeoReport scraper described above, since SeeClickFix supports the GeoReport API as well; we have both scrapers because the SeeClickFix native API has been around longer.

Pass the city and state as command-line arguments.

The scraper script is PATH/TO/ebdata/scrapers/general/seeclickfix/seeclickfix_retrieval.py and a suitable schema can be loaded by doing django-admin.py loaddata PATH/TO/ebdata/scrapers/general/seeclickfix/seeclickfix_schema.json.


Scrapers for specific city data sources in the USA. Currently this includes only scrapers for Boston, MA:

  • ebdata/scrapers/us/ma/boston/building_permits/
  • ebdata/scrapers/us/ma/boston/businesses/
  • ebdata/scrapers/us/ma/boston/events/
  • ebdata/scrapers/us/ma/boston/police_reports/
  • ebdata/scrapers/us/ma/boston/restaurants/

Many of these are used for http://demo.openblockproject.org. For more information, see the source of each script.


The templatemaker package contains utilities for detecting the actual content given a set of html pages that were generated from a template. For instance, templatemaker helps detect and extract the actual article from a page that could also contain navigation links, ads, etc.

This is used internally by ebdata.blobs. It is not typically used directly by scraper scripts.


The textmining package contains utilities for preprocessing html to strip out things that templatemaker doesn't care about like comments, scripts, styles, meta information, etc. It is used by ebdata.templatemaker but may also be used directly by scraper scripts.